Immaculate Conception

How good of a mother would the Most Holy Blessed Trinity create to be the Mother of God? How pure? How perfect? How much grace? Compared to all other women? Like night and day? Mary was conceived without sin the pure vessel to bring forth the Christ. Would any woman...


The tragedy begins—the door to Eternal Happiness is slammed shut by Adam and Eve. Trillions of days and trillions upon trillions of suffering times later, God so loves us that He is sending His Son to open the door for us…  Are we ready for this arrival?  The...

151 Thanksgivings

French Grace Before Meals:  Bless us Lord, bless this meal, those who prepared it and give bread to those who have none.  Amen.  The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, our Catholic Faith, the Priesthood, saints, that every-thing is grace,  pure love, incense, the Sacrament...

Porziuncola Duo Porziuncola

The western world was so consumed by materialism that God chose a little poor man to make a big change. “Can’t you see My Church is falling into ruin?” God asked Francis of Assisi.   So the unlikely unknown man got some mortar and started to repair the little...

In the Vineyard

Nestled between the splendor of Napa Valley and Sonoma County are the fruitful vines which harvest into award-winning California wines. Nurtured by generations of passionate winemakers, these vineyards have prospered over the years under expert and attentive care....

Hula Hooper Oceanside

Just think, some guy stayed up one night and invented the hula hoop—now he’s a millionaire!” My sister used to say that when we were younger. She was hoping for that night when we would be smart enough to invent something to wake up rich!   We drove to the coast...