Bernadette Brigade
We invite you to join our band of prayer warriors, the “Bernadette Brigade!”
The intentions of the Bernadette Brigade will be placed on the altar during the live Rosary from the Grotto in Lourdes!
We look forward to uniting our prayers in this way on the 11th of every month. We are so blessed for the opportunity to share our intentions from the Grotto of our hearts to the Grotto in Lourdes, where Heaven touched earth!
Updates on how to join in prayer will be included in your monthly prayer intentions.
Sign up today to be included next month for this very special opportunity to storm Heaven with our prayers!
We know that many of you already keep us in your prayers. Thank you. This initiative takes us one step further in creating a stronger, more connected “Special Forces”; helping us to fight our spiritual battles and continue our holy work.
Each month, we will email our Bernadette Brigade a list of our prayer intentions—the timely needs for our Association. These are the “targets” or the “battles” in which we are currently engaged. By communicating our specific needs each month, we form a more unified family of prayer and effective apostolate.
We recognize the immense value of your prayer, suffering and acts of penance. Nothing else is required; just your spiritual weapons. Whether you are a seasoned prayer warrior, or consider yourself in basic training, we invite you to enlist in our Bernadette Brigade.
“My weapons are prayer and sacrifice . . .”
– St. Bernadette Soubirous