Request Lourdes Water

We are privileged to offer 1 oz. bottles of undiluted, unfiltered Lourdes Water drawn from the Spring of the Lourdes Grotto in France available to share within the United States and during our Lourdes Virtual Pilgrimage Experiences around the world. 

To request to personally receive Lourdes Water, please click the button below. We are able to share 2 small one ounce bottle per request. Please allow 4-6 weeks for delivery. 

At this time, we are not able to ship to addresses outside the USA:

                                       For those requesting shipping to Canada, please note that, due to the dramatic increase in postage rates as of August 28, 2024,
                                       we are unable to fulfill these requests via our normal process. Please click the link below for more details.

It is our blessing to share the liquid grace of Lourdes at no cost. However, we do accept donations to help us pay for bottles, packaging and postage. While your donation is not required, it is truly appreciated and will allow us to continue this ministry. We thank you for making a donation after you place your request.

Visit our Frequently Asked Questions here

Need assistance in placing your online request? You can also call, email or write to us!

Phone: (315) 476-0026


Mail: 107 Michaels Avenue, Syracuse, NY 13208 USA


What is Lourdes Water? 

Lourdes Water is drawn from the Spring of the Grotto of Massabielle in Lourdes, France. On February 25th, 1858, St. Bernadette uncovered this Spring during the 9th apparition when Our Lady of Lourdes requested:

“Would you mind getting down on your knees…kissing the ground…eating the grass that is there…for sinners? Go drink at the Spring and wash yourself.” 

It is this very water that fills the Baths or Piscines in which pilgrims bathe on pilgrimage. This water is also available at taps throughout the Sanctuary for pilgrims to drink, wash, and bottle at will, above which it reads: “Wash your face and ask God to purify your heart.” 

Volunteer service

Lourdes Water from Lourdes Volunteers

In our labor of Lourdes Love this gift of liquid grace travels from the Grotto in Lourdes, shipped overseas to our office in New York, where it is then prayerfully bottled, packaged and mailed by our office team to YOU!

Lourdes Water is often confused with Holy Water, but they are not the same. Lourdes Water comes only from the miraculous spring unearthed by young Bernadette, given through the intercession of Our Lady of Lourdes, a gift from Our Lord.  In this spirit, Lourdes Volunteers makes Lourdes Water available for you.  Make the sign of the cross and ask God for whatever grace you most need.

When Bernadette was asked, “How much Lourdes water is needed?”

She replied, “One drop, and faith.”



Lourdes Water Prayer

“By the use of this water from Lourdes and

through the intercession of the

 Immaculate Conception of the Grotto,

I ask for healing of my body and soul or

 (add a personal intention),

to the praise and glory of 

Our Lord, Jesus Christ. Amen”

Our Lady of Lourdes, pray for us

St. Bernadette, pray for us.