Catholic Resources
Lourdes Volunteers understands that many people are having difficulty feeling connected at this time. To bring us closer, we have put together a list of resources that will help the faithful stay embedded in their faith. Please be sure to visit each of these websites and pray with us as we continue to help those in need.
Personhood Alliance
The Personhood Alliance is a Christ-centered, biblically informed organization dedicated to the non-violent advancement of the recognition and protection of the God-given, inalienable right to life of all human beings as legal persons, at every stage of their biological development and in every circumstance.
The National Catholic Bioethics Center
The Mission of The National Catholic Bioethics Center is to provide education, guidance, and resources to the Church and society to uphold the dignity of the human person in health care and biomedical research, thereby sharing in the ministry of Jesus Christ and his Church.
Children of God for Life
Our vision is to end the use of aborted children in scientific research and manufacturing. Children of God for Life provides truthful, accurate and updated information, research facts for you, educates the public, provides seminars and trainings, and organizes effective action.
The Holy See, Vatican
This is Pope Francis’ official website. We continue to look to the Vatican for information and guidance.
We must always remember to keep the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Lourdes in our prayers as we continue our devotion to Our Lady.
Watch the Grotto Live each day – 9am ET daily Rosary in English, 11am ET Mass in English, 3:30pm ET Rosary in Spanish
EWTN As the largest religious media network in the world, EWTN has an important role in educating others about our Catholic faith and spreading the good news of salvation.
- EWTN Daily Mass Schedule:
- For information on Spiritual Communion:
- Live link to Perpetual Adoration
The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops has launched a website full of resources to help Catholics face this time of difficulty.
How to pray the Rosary:
Catholic Online is an index dedicated to providing information on a variety of Catholic topics.
Scripture readings about healing:
Catholic Healing Prayers is a website dedicated to spreading prayerful intentions for those in need
Prayers for Healing:
The mission of CHA is to advance the Catholic health ministry of the
United States in caring for people and communities.
Prayers for Medical Community:
Busted Halo is a unique media resource that utilizes a relevant and accessible voice to help people understand the Catholic faith, put it into practice in their everyday lives, and share it with others.
Many parishes are equipped with live streaming capabilities. Ask your local parish what options they have available.
Lourdes Volunteers continually assists those who are in need.
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