Become a Member
As members, we love each person as Christ, caring for Him as His Mother would. We are to live the Message of Lourdes of prayer and penance with the humility and simplicity of Bernadette and the graciousness of the Mother of God.
Benefits of Membership
- A share in the prayers and good works of the Lourdes Volunteers family
- Remembrance during our Mass in the Grotto, offered each pilgrimage to Lourdes
- Remembrance during our Membership Mass offered each month.
- Partial Indulgences for acts of mercy, charity, evangelism, penance and suffering
- Plenary Indulgences, under the usual conditions, for pilgrimage to Lourdes or for participation at a Lourdes Virtual Pilgrimage Experience
- News of our holy mission as conveyed through our Lourdes Letter and other digital and print communications
- Most importantly, the intercession and special protection of Our Lady of Lourdes and St. Bernadette
Membership has made me feel part of a family. I am reminded that I am part of something bigger than just me and can accomplish more with others and faith than I could on my own.
– Scott
I’ve been a member for several years now, but I’ve been devoted to our Blessed Mother and beautiful Bernadette all my life. Nothing will sway my faith. Thank you for giving me the gift of membership. It’s priceless. Read more.
– Lorraine
Join us to “Love without Measure”
Ordinary Members
- are practicing Catholics who attend Sunday Mass
- are at least 18 years of age
- take the Oath of Membership
- offer service
- formally register
Associate Members
- are Christians who live their faith or are people of goodwill
- are at least 18 years of age
- offer service
- formally register
Junior Members
- are practicing Catholics who attend Sunday Mass
- are between the ages of 12-17
- offer service
- formally register
Members serve in any of the following ways
In prayer at home, through the Rosary, at Mass, at Adoration or in sacrifice and suffering.
By assisting others as airport volunteers, companions, caregivers, housekeepers and as medical professionals
As volunteers in the Sanctuary, in the Baths, the Accueils, at the trains and at ceremonies.
Evangelizing through Lourdes Virtual Pilgrimage Experiences bringing the grace of Lourdes to those unlikely or unable to make the journey to France.
In loving each person as Christ, caring as the Blessed Mother would care for Jesus.
Making the mission possible as volunteers, donors, benefactors, sponsors and supporters.
Volunteer Oath
“With the Gift of God’s Grace I vow to embrace the teachings of the Catholic Church to honor the sanctity of every human life and to respect the dignity of each person as Christ, with the loving support of my brothers and sisters, so help me, God.”
Medical Professional Oath
“With the Gift of God’s Grace I vow to embrace the teachings of the Catholic Church to honor the sanctity of every human life from conception to natural death and to respect the dignity of each person as Christ, with the loving support of my brothers and sisters, so help me, God.”