

An estimated $700,000 total is needed to complete Guadalupe House Renovations and open for Christmas 2025. A significant amount of those funds have already been raised and renovation work is in progress. The balance of funds will be raised in 2025. 

Gifts and Pledges

We invite you to be a part of this exciting project! Financial gifts can be given online by visiting our donate page here.

Checks can be made out to “Lourdes Volunteers” and mailed to our office at: 107 Michaels Ave, Syracuse, NY 13208.

We are also able to accept gifts of stock and securities and also have a Legacy Giving Program. Please call our office for more details.

San Juanito

Our two-car length garage is being converted into a priest tiny house. We will begin raising funds in 2025 for our chaplains private residence.

Honors and Memorials


“Whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully.” (2 Corinthians 9:6)

How can you help us plant seeds of love for the next twenty years?

“Seed Donor”– Every gift and pledge of $1,000 to $4,999 will be honored by name or in memory within our garden courtyard

“Foundation Donor”– Every gift of $5,000 or more will be honored by name or in memory within our Guadalupe House


Bienvenue Friends,

It is with joy and anticipation that my husband Lee and I await the success of the 2023 matching fund appeal and the completion of Guadalupe House in 2024. Lee and I have supported the mission of OLOLAHV as directed by Our Lady of Lourdes to bring the sick and suffering to the Grotto in Lourdes since 2004. We are privileged to make the donation of $200,000 as matching funds to begin its successful renovation.

We were profoundly touched by the vision of Guadalupe House, a 17 century home nestled outside the sanctuary that would potentially one day become a haven of hospitality for North American Volunteers and their families. I vividly recall the day our selfless Foundress; Marlene Watkins took me to the house some twenty years ago to explain her vision. It would serve as the first place of welcome to those from North America: our leaders, staff and medical volunteers, as well as students and families.

As Marlene explained in detail how she envisioned the house would be restored; she lovingly sketched ideas along the way. She indicated to me right outside our kitchen window, there was the very brick archway and door to which St Bernadette KNOCKED to reach Father Peramayle. AT HIS RECTORY! The very archway! We know the story…She kept repeating the words the Blessed Mother had told her when she asked her name. “Que soy era Inmaculada Concepcióu.” Our Lady had said. Father Peramayle sobbed. He knew that Bernadette had truly seen the The Blessed Mother.

This is our house, our legacy, the time is now to complete our vision to become a beacon of welcome to those who are called to serve Our Lady.


Lee and Dr. Linda Satterlee, Nov 12, 2023


Learn more:

How YOU Can Help

Why Guadalupe House?
