Lay Community of Consecrated Widows and Consecrated Women

Lay Community of Consecrated Widows and Consecrated Women:

A Private Association of the Faithful

On the second of February 2023, Bishop Douglas J. Lucia decreed the Rule of Life for Consecrated Widows and Consecrated Women. This Feast Day of the Presentation of Our Lord Jesus has “for centuries commemorated the dedication of consecrated religious men and women.” (pp. V, Magnificat, February 2023).

This is a wonderful gift given to our Apostolate, Our Lady of Lourdes Hospitality North American Volunteers. It is a time for those who are living their life as a widow to consider through prayerful discernment if they are called to live the the Rule of Life in Prayer and Service through the Apostolate. Single women are invited to seek the Lord’s guidance and call this way of life as a Consecrated Woman.

Who can join?

Practicing faithful Catholic members of our association that are widows or single and vow to live a life of chastity, prayer and service.

What is required?

Prayer: In addition to regularly attending Mass, women and widows will include in their prayer life Adoration, Scripture, Rosary, and receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation regularly.

Service: Annual service on one of our pilgrimages to Lourdes or those unable to travel, may serve the sick at home through their local parish and ministries.

Lifestyle: Each woman will be obedient to the teachings of the Magisterium of the Catholic Church and follow the example of St. Bernadette in simplicity, humility and obedience.

How often will we gather?

Monthly for prayer, formation, study and service. Annually for retreat.

How do I join?

Read the Welcome Letter and Rule of Life below for details. Contact

Consecrated Women and Consecrated Widows Prayer

Our Lady of Lourdes, we entrust our lives into your Holy Life and Holy Widowhood. You are our perfect model of purity, prayer and service which you, so Full of Grace, offered to God the Father during the life and death of your beloved Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, and your holy husband and most chaste spouse, St. Joseph. Through the Holy Spirit, we unite our consecrated life to you as the Immaculate Conception of the Grotto. Please grant that we may lovingly serve those in need of the grace of Lourdes through Our Lady of Lourdes Hospitality North American Volunteers. Amen.