How You Can Help


We will be looking for volunteers to work at the house in the later stages of construction. Painting and light finishing work will need to be done as well as landscaping and other outdoor work. If you are interested in helping in this way please see more details here.


One of the most powerful ways you can help is by praying for the success of the project. This is something everyone can do. Offer Mass, pray a Rosary or offer up suffering or good works. These are all wonderful ways to help support the project!


Lastly and certainly importantly, donations are need to support this project. Please consider how you can support this special project through one of these giving options:

  • One-Time Gifts (online, mailing check to office, stocks, securities etc.)
  • Pledges- you can pledge to give a certain amount of money over a time period. If you are interested in doing so please call our office.
  • Planned Monthly or Annual Giving- our Stars of Mary program is a group of generous donors who contribute on a monthly basis.
  • Legacy Giving– please consider remembering us in your will. More information can be obtained by calling our office.

Thank you for supporting Our Lady’s Apostolate!

Learn more: 



Why Guadalupe House?