Join us in Prayer
Rosary Meditations Now Available Just For You!
Follow along while meditating on the mysteries of the Rosary each month in our Family Rosary or pray on your own! Learn more.

Pray the Rosary
A family that prays together, stays together! Join us in praying our Monthly Family Rosary on the second Saturday of every month at 12:00 PM ET! Honor Our Lady of Lourdes and pray to her for protection and intercession.
Request a Prayer
Send us your prayer petition and we will hand carry it to the Lourdes Grotto in France. Each time we travel to Lourdes we hand carry petitions we collect and place them in the petition box in the Grotto.
Apostolic Pardon
A great treasure of the Catholic Church, an Apostolic Pardon is an important grace. Click here to learn more about this special indulgence for the faithful.
Membership Masses
Each month, a Mass of thanksgiving to God will be prayed for our blessings and for the intentions of our beloved members. Become a member and spiritually unite with us each month in celebration of the Holy Eucharist.
Prayers and Novenas
A prayer resource for those wanting to express their devotion to Our Lady of Lourdes, the Immaculate Conception and St. Bernadette. Include these novenas and prayers in your daily prayer life.
Pray For Us
Join the Bernadette Brigade of prayer warriors. Prayer is our best weapon! We ask for your prayers for our Association and members.