
“I worked hard on this painting because it is for Mother Mary.” – Lina, age 9″

Give Now

We receive no federal, state or Church funding, and rely on your donation to continue our mission serving the sick and suffering. Help us today to continue sharing the healing Message of Lourdes.

Stars of Mary

Our Stars of Mary provide us the necessary and consistent monthly funding needed to support our operations. Partner with us today by pledging your recurring monthly gift to continue our holy work.

Lourdes Legacy Giving

By including us in your will/trust, we can continue to make a lasting impact on pilgrims throughout the world. Please consider us in your estate planning and partner with us to leave a legacy for the next generations of Lourdes Volunteers.

Andrea’s Wish

This fund makes the journey to Lourdes possible for special needs pilgrims seeking healing and grace at the Grotto. Through the generosity of our donors, Andrea’s Wish provides partial or full sponsorship to pilgrims as available.

How to Donate

Online – Make a secure credit card donation to support our holy mission.

By phone – Give us a call at (315) 476-0026 to make a secure donation with a credit card.

By mail – Checks can be mailed to our office at Lourdes Volunteers at 107 Michaels Ave, Syracuse, NY 13208.

Ways to Give

Monthly Giving

Be Our Rock!

Can you include $100, $50, or $25 in your monthly budget to support our holy ministry?

The Lord built our Church on Peter, the Rock. Our Lady asked that the Church be built on the Grotto Rock in Lourdes. Now, we humbly ask you to Be Our Rock! Give monthly to provide us the solid foundation we need to continue our loving and life-changing mission.

Employer Matched Gifts

Multiply the impact of your charitable gift!

Learn whether your employer sponsors a matched giving program! Explore the culture of charitable giving at your workplace and ask your employer to match your donation to Lourdes Volunteers!

Appreciated Stocks

Donations of appreciated stock are welcome!

For more information, please call our office at (315) 476-0026 and speak with our Executive Director Erika Vincent to be connected with our broker.

Legacy Giving

Give a gift that extends beyond your lifetime! Please remember Lourdes Volunteers in your estate planning and help ensure that your values and the values of Lourdes Volunteers live into the future.

If you are interested in learning more about how you can secure the future of Lourdes Volunteers through

  • Your Will
  • A Trust Arrangement
  • A beneficiary designation in a retirement plan or insurance policy

Please call our office at (315) 476-0026 and speak with our Executive Director Erika Vincent.

If you have already remembered Lourdes Volunteers in your Estate Plans, we would like to extend our deepest thanks! It is also important for us to know that we can count on your bequest in the years ahead.

Thank you for considering this special gift that would allow us to continuing bringing the Hope, Healing, and Peace of Lourdes to God’s people, at home and abroad.

Memorial Giving

Has someone you know been touched by the work of Lourdes Volunteers? Honor their life and memory with a gift to Lourdes Volunteers, so that our organization may continue the work that brought your loved one healing and peace. Or consider a gift in tribute to a loved one on the occasion of their wedding, birthday, anniversary or other special occasion! Donate today!

You Make Lourdes Volunteers Possible

It is only with your support that we are able to bring the sick and handicapped to Lourdes, catechize youth in service and shares the Message of Lourdes in parishes, schools, prisons and beyond. Because we receive no federal, state or Church funding, it is only through the private contributions and the tremendous generosity of individual donors that we have been able to bring over 5,000 pilgrims and volunteers to Lourdes and to reach over 150,000 pilgrims through Lourdes Virtual Pilgrimage Experiences. A Catholic Public Association of the Christian Faithful of the Syracuse Diocese, we ask for your continued support.