Lourdes Legacy Giving

You’re invited to learn more about how to leave a lasting gift. Watch our Lourdes Legacy Giving Seminar now on our YouTube channel. 

Attorney Mark Henry, an expert in Catholic planned giving joins us to discuss estate planning strategies for faithful Catholics and how to make your lasting legacy a Lourdes Legacy. Topics Discussed: Elements of Catholic estate planning Catholic medical directives vs. secular living wills Catholic values based investing Legacy planning strategies to support worthy Catholic causes Benefits of a Catholic Gift Annuity Updating your estate plan.

What Will Your Lourdes Legacy Be?

As Catholics, we are called to be faithful stewards of all that we are blessed with. As stewards we should provide for our family and for our Catholic community as well.  Fortunately, there are time-tested planning strategies that can guide you and enable you to protect your family’s financial security and leave a legacy to support Catholic charity.

Please consider sharing the grace of Lourdes with a planned future gift.

Our members can establish a “Lourdes Legacy Gift.” In some cases, this can allow members to make a major gift who haven’t had the ability to make it during their lifetimes.

Beloved Members can designate part of their estate to North American Volunteers as an ongoing gift of grace for others. In this special way, we partner with our members to extend the invitation of Our Lady of Lourdes for years to come.

Please call our office at (315) 476-0026 if we can assist you and your professional advisors with any questions you have about including a planned gift in your estate plan.