Dania Alvarez

In the awe of Lourdes, it’s very easy to get caught up in one’s service and forget that we need to constantly recharge in the greatest way possible: prayer. Prayer allows us to serve as Jesus and Our Lady are calling us to serve. And, it also allows us to...


Our daughter died in my arms as we lay together in the emergency room bed. In my grief, while holding her lifeless body, I was taken back to the baths at Lourdes, where we had visited just over a month before. My brothers and sisters, friends, and even strangers had...

Schulz Family

At the urging of Monsignor Richard Shirley, the seed was planted back in 2005 for the Schulz family to visit Lourdes, France. Our first daughter, Jenna Schulz, was experiencing idiopathic seizures, that were relentless and which continue today. Our family had planned...


What is mission? 3 words JOY ~ PEACE ~ LOVE by Naoimi Nelson   Joy: I wake at the break of day To the tune of 6am And I am greeted by the sweet scent of French baguettes And the even sweeter smiles of Toni and Loretta.   I wake to the sight of bare humble...


June 2021 Since sharing her story with us, Rhonda has written beautiful testimonies published by the Clarion Herald in the Archdiocese of New Orleans, attributing Our Lady’s intercession and the blessings and treasures our Catholic faith has brought to her and...


Why did you first decide to join us on pilgrimage or virtual pilgrimage? I started getting ill about 10 years ago, and many of my friends would say, “You have to go to Lourdes.” I didn’t think it was possible, because of the medical equipment I required and because...