Scripture reminds us, “Neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God, who causes the growth.” (1 Cor: 3:7) Praise be Jesus Christ, who not only inspired this humble apostolate but caused our tremendous growth over these past...
Our first book was released in March this year. Published by EWTN Publishing and Sophia Institute Press, the book has sold over 14,000 copies so far. After launching the book live from Lourdes in February, Marlene traveled to Paris, England, Ireland, Scotland, NY, PA,...
On February 2, 2023, Bishop Douglas J. Lucia decreed the Rule of Life for Consecrated Widows and Consecrated Women. In March and April of this year, four members made their vows to become our first Consecrated Women and Widows. What a beautiful gift to our apostolate!...
Great news– the vision of Guadalupe House is starting to become a reality! This historic home in Lourdes overlooking the garden gate that Bernadette burst through, declaring to Père Peyramale the words of the Lady in the Grotto, “I am the Immaculate Conception,” will...
The fruits of pilgrimage manifests itself in many beautiful but different ways, such as peace, healing in families or relationships and acceptance. We always say that no one leaves Lourdes empty-handed. Our Lady knows the grace each of us are in greatest need and she...