‘One drop and faith’


“SOMETIMES God has to remove us from the chaos of our daily lives for us to more clearly hear his voice,” Teresa Lewis, of Queen of the Apostles Parish in Tomah, shares, reflecting on her journey to the Faith. Growing up in Tacoma, Wash., religion was rarely discussed in her home; there was no Bible to be found and her family did not go to church.

But then, in her early 20s, Teresa had the opportunity to move across the country to a very small town. “It was there, in the quiet, that Our Lord finally had me where I needed to be to have my eyes and ears opened,” Teresa recalls. “One day, while going through some things in the house, I found a Bible and started to read it. From that moment on, my life began to change.”

Teresa moved back to Tacoma and learned that she had been baptized Catholic. She found a parish community and joined the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) program. After her reception into the full communion of the Catholic Church, Teresa became a RCIA sponsor the following year. In the subsequent year, she returned to the group for fellowship, as the rest of her nearby family was not Catholic.

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