Father Hyde is the pastor of St. Joseph’s Church in Camillus, NY. He also serves on the Diocese of Syracuse Tribunal, as well as a local hospital chaplain.
Father has served as our Spiritual Director since March of 2017. Ordained in 1988, he holds degrees in history and Spanish, and received a Licentiate in Canon Law in 1995 from Catholic University of America.
Most satisfying aspect of serving with Lourdes Volunteers:
The pilgrimages are the most satisfying aspect of being a spiritual director and chaplain with Lourdes Volunteers. Everything from the enthusiastic young adult volunteers, the selfless medical professionals, and the faithful pilgrims who come filled with faith and in spite of many physical challenges, all these inspire me.
My role on pilgrimage:
I hear confessions, celebrate Mass, help with the baths, guide processions, and attend various meetings of the pilgrimage team to deal with any problems or opportunities. And I pray, a lot!
First joined Lourdes Volunteers:
I first joined around 2010 and became spiritual director a few years later.
Favorite moments on pilgrimage:
The Rosary Procession has to be my favorite activity on any pilgrimage, the greatest honor, however, was carrying the monstrance with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament for the Eucharistic Procession.
Most people might not know:
I am a big fan of Star Trek, I love science fiction, and I love reading history books!
Community involvement:
As well as being a full-time pastor, I am an on-call chaplain at all the hospitals here in Syracuse. I served throughout the COVID pandemic.
Sources of inspiration:
My favorite mystery of the Rosary is the Visitation, Mary going to visit her cousin Elizabeth, who is pregnant with St. John the Baptist. It is so deep, showing the joy of being called by God, the joy of friendship, the joy of helping someone who needs us. I also love it because my late mother’s name is Mary Elizabeth!
Book recommendations:
The Seven Storey Mountain, by Thomas Merton, it helped spark my vocation. David Copperfield, by Charles Dickens, a novel that entertains and inspires. The Church and I, by Frank Sheed, a wonderful autobiography by a lay Catholic evangelist, writer, and publisher, sadly out of print.
Favorite quote:
John 16:33, In the world you will have trouble, but take courage, I have conquered the world.