Pam Barton | Board Member | Archdiocese of Milwaukee
Pam joined the board of directors in 2019. A volunteer member since 2009, she began her service as youth leader and catechist. She continues sharing the gospel message of Lourdes across the Midwest as Virtual Pilgrimage Experience Guide with her husband, Jim. Pam has served as both Travel Leader and Advance Team Leader on Special Needs Pilgrimage. She is a stagiaire with the Hospitalité Notre-Dame de Lourdes in St. Jean de Baptiste service.
Pam is a devoted wife, mother and grandmother. She lives in southeastern Wisconsin and is active in parish ministries.
Most satisfying aspect of serving with Lourdes Volunteers:
I love seeing our special-needs pilgrimage groups transform into one joyful family. The peace in their hearts and the joy on their faces are the miracles of grace we get to witness each and every pilgrimage.
My role on pilgrimage:
I like to think of myself as “Plug and Play Pam.” Every pilgrimage, I am asked to fill different roles: youth leader, catechist, travel leader, advance team leader, dining room hostess, hospitality hostess, housekeeping handmaiden, shopper, driver, song-leader. I’m happy to server wherever I am needed!
First joined Lourdes Volunteers:
I first experienced a Lourdes Virtual Pilgrimage Experience in Texas. I knew then that I wanted to come to Lourdes someday. The following year our family moved to Germany, so I contacted the office about bringing our parish youth group to serve. I’ve been caught up in the “Marian Vortex” ever since!
Favorite moments on pilgrimage:
There are so many favorite moments! I love to hear the pilgrims’ stories at our departure meetings—of the beautiful gifts of grace that they received. I love the hugs and joyful songs as they depart full of Lourdes Love. It is also so very special to experience the quiet moments in the grotto at night during Eucharistic Adoration—such peace!
Most people might not know:
I am a “Catholic Spiritual Mentor.” I love mentoring other women in their walk of faith, usually on a monthly basis. It is such a privilege.
Community involvement:
As an Army wife and “retired stay-at-home-mom,” community involvement has been my “full-time job” for more than 30 years. I love serving the Church, especially as a catechist.
Sources of inspiration:
The Saints! (Mother Teresa, in particular…) In addition, I am so blessed with the witness of many inspirational friends and family members. Army wives and Lourdes Volunteers rock!
Book recommendations:
Don’t get me started…I have so many! (Anything by Fr. Jacques Philippe…)
Favorite quote:
I can’t give just one quote from Mother Teresa:
“Joy is a net of love in which you can catch souls.”
“Peace begins with a smile.”
“Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love.”