What Membership Means To Me
“I’ve been a member for several years now, but I’ve been devoted to our Blessed Mother and beautiful Bernadette all my life. I found out about you through a priest of EWTN. My life has been one of being abused from my birth mother and others, many serious health issues, pain and suffering. All of those things are blessings because they make my faith stronger each day. Mary is the only mother I’ve had, and she’s always had my back. Due to my health, I feel useless a lot of the time, not being able to do a lot. In order to do good for people, I pray for them. Whenever there has been a virtual pilgrimage, I watch and collect some bottles of Lourdes water to have on hand to give to people that need it. It’s my way of sharing Mary. Our Mother saved my life many times, most recently last year with severe Covid. I survived, but am a long hauler. Aside from all my other health issues, the evil virus has given me even more. Nothing will sway my faith. It’s my dream to visit Lourdes and Nevers one day if it’s God’s will. Thank you for giving me the gift of membership. It’s priceless.”