Why did you first decide to join us on pilgrimage?
I first decided to travel on pilgrimage with NALV after a trip to Lourdes with my Aunt. When we first went to the Grotto I profoundly felt the holy presence of Our Lady. When I returned to the United States, I tuned into EWTN and saw Marlene Watkins speaking about the need for medical professionals to bring the sick and handicapped to Lourdes. It was as if Our Lady was calling me…..
What has been your favorite aspect of service?
Certainly the aspect of giving .It is humbling to see so much need and so much faith in one place! It is also a joy to see lives touched, faith renewed, and to see healings occur.
Favorite memory of Lourdes?
There are so many favorite memories! But I would say my favorite was training to work in the Piscines, the Baths at the Grotto. I later returned and accompanied one of my very ill pilgrims and was led to the stall I had trained! My group asked me, “is this a special pilgrim?” And we cried and prayed together.
When you think of Lourdes, what do you think of?
I think of experiencing the Community of the Church, feeling its strength and witnessing the faith and courage of thousands of pilgrims from all over the world.
How has service with Lourdes Volunteers influenced your faith / daily life?
I have been profoundly touched by the spirit of Lourdes. I take memories and prayers of Lourdes into each and every day. I feel my faith has been made stronger and that I am closer to Our Lady. I have come to realize the gifts that have been given to me to share.
What would you tell someone considering pilgrimage with Lourdes Volunteers?
If you are blessed to make the journey to Lourdes, you will be forever changed.
In what ways do you hope to continue expressing the Message of Lourdes?
To continue expressing the Message of Lourdes… Love, to all I encounter in my life my family, community and profession.