The grade school children of St. Anne’s in San Francisco made posters to tape on the pews to honor the Communion of Saints this November. Patron of Artillery, and holy military example of the virtue of courage, St. George, was among the saints depicted, as was St. Bernadette.
Mass today honoring our Veterans on the Feast of St. Martin of Tours, a soldier and Bishop, offered the following Prayers of the Faithful by the 6th-grade students:
For the willingness of our veterans to leave their homes, families and security as they have flown in unknown airspace, ventured onto hostile soil and sailed upon unchartered water. For their ability to say “yes” to the unknown in order to protect all that Americans hold dear, we pray to the Lord.
For those who are serving in military operations today. For soldiers serving in Iraq, Afghanistan and other foreign lands. For those who continue to risk their lives in the name of their nations. For the men and the women of the military today, we pray to the Lord.
For those who have given their lives in service to their country. For all who have returned from battle in caskets. For those whose bodies have not yet been returned. And for the family members who mourn their losses. For our deceased military personnel, we pray to the Lord.
The grade school student body, faculty and parishioners of St. Anne in California prayed today for soldiers far away, honoring them at Mass.
There are people in the world praying for us and we don’t even know it! That’s our job living the Message of Lourdes—to pray for conversion.
Our prayerful thanks to each military guardian of freedom who makes it possible for us to attend Mass, receive the Sacraments and live our faith freely without fear because of their selfless service. God Bless You!
St. Martin, please pray for the wounded veterans who will make pilgrimage to Lourdes next May during the International Military Pilgrimage.
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