Why did you first decide to join us on pilgrimage or virtual pilgrimage?

I was looking for something where I could serve others in faith and using my medical skills.


What has been your favorite aspect of pilgrimage?

My favorite part of the pilgrimage was meeting so many wonderful people and being invited into their journey.


Favorite memory of Lourdes?

June 2018 pilgrimage, Eucharistic Procession and Adoration, AMAZING!


When you think of Lourdes, what do you think of?

When I think of Lourdes, I always think of God’s endless love. I think of the Graces He has in store for all of us and how grateful I am to have been able to serve in such a Holy place amongst so many people of such great faith.


How has service with Lourdes Volunteers influenced your faith / daily life?

Serving with Lourdes Volunteers has given me a renewed purpose within my profession. It has personally fortified my faith, giving me strength to live my faith in such a busy world.


What would you tell someone considering service with Lourdes Volunteers?

If you are “considering” it, you have already been called. It takes your “Yes”, then allow yourself to be excited and ask the Lord to help you work out the details.


In what ways do you hope to continue expressing the Message of Lourdes?

I would like to bring the Virtual Pilgrimage to my parish.


Any else you wish to add?

Someone suggested this analogy to me of my first trip serving in Lourdes:

It’s sort of like having a baby. Before the trip, you are so excited anticipating everything to come. Then, there may be a couple of difficult moments on the trip where you think to yourself: “What did I get myself into?” In the end, you are left with a beautiful gift you know is from God and a love for it is placed in you in a way that makes the difficult moments a blessing. And you can’t wait to do it again!