Capitol Gain

In the middle of the power of Washington D.C. is the stately Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, the largest Catholic Church in North America and one of the ten largest Catholic Churches in the whole world. Where is that Lourdes Grotto in the...

Follow That Star!

Three men without a GPS don’t ask for directions to find an unknown manger… Is this a Christmas Miracle? There was an illuminated path for them to find their way to honor the Christ Child and there is lighted way for us to keep on the road to kneel before...

Guadalupe Joy

“Am I not the fountain of your joy?” The Mother of God to Juan Diego. In 1531 the Mother of God appeared to St. Juan Diego at Tepeyac Hill. “I am the Virgin Mary, Mother of the one true God, of Him who gives life.  He is Lord and Creator of heaven and of earth.  I...

Immaculate Conception

How good of a mother would the Most Holy Blessed Trinity create to be the Mother of God? How pure? How perfect? How much grace? Compared to all other women? Like night and day? Mary was conceived without sin the pure vessel to bring forth the Christ. Would any woman...


The tragedy begins—the door to Eternal Happiness is slammed shut by Adam and Eve. Trillions of days and trillions upon trillions of suffering times later, God so loves us that He is sending His Son to open the door for us…  Are we ready for this arrival?  The...